Sunday, 6 July 2014

This is all very well, but I wonder how QR codes are going to look on round screens like the moto 360...

This is all very well, but I wonder how QR codes are going to look on round screens like the moto 360. Will those all important corners be cropped off or will it just present a much smaller picture in the centre of the screen?

Android Central: QR Codes and smartwatches, a match made in heaven.

QR Codes and smartwatches, a match made in heaven

QR Codes are one of those things where you either love using them or they just don't seem to actually add any convenience to your life. The tech has been around for ages, and every time someone tries to breathe new life into this quick glance data delivery mechanism it seems to gain more and more of a following. The most recent attempt at using QR Codes in apps on phones or as a WiFi...

via Stuart Cummings - Google+ Posts

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