Tuesday, 19 November 2013

If we're going to build HS2 why not build it right using forward thinking technology like this?

If we're going to build HS2 why not build it right using forward thinking technology like this?

Japan wants to sell its super-fast levitating trains to the US http://www.theverge.com/2013/11/19/5120334/japan-wants-to-sell-maglev-trains-to-the-us

Japan wants to sell its super-fast levitating trains to the US

Former US politicians have visited Japan for a ride on a train that uses magnetic levitation to travel at 315 mph. As cities around the world consider the introduction of maglev trains, the...

via Stuart Cummings - Google+ Posts https://plus.google.com/102181315988102410082/posts/MtXR7kb7t84

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