Thursday, 18 December 2014

Whether you’re working from home, out on the road for a business trip or want to brag about your favorite...

We've been waiting for this for a while but it's finally here: custom status message in hangouts.

Google for Work originally shared:

Whether you’re working from home, out on the road for a business trip or want to brag about your favorite sports team, now your Gmail contacts will be able to easily see your latest status. We’re bringing back one of the most requested features for those who use Hangouts in Gmail — status messages. For Apps admins there’s also the option to keep status messages to only be visible internally.

To get started and see what you’re teammates are sharing, just click the ‘Contacts’ tab on the bottom left corner of Hangouts. #googleforwork

via Stuart R Cummings - Google+ Posts

Friday, 12 December 2014

I would really like to be able to use voice command to add an item to an existing list in Keep. Something...

I would really like to be able to use voice command to add an item to an existing list in Keep. Something like "ok google add milk to my shopping list" where shopping list is the title of the note.

Anyone know if something like this is possible or planned?

via Stuart Cummings - Google+ Posts

Create Google+ profiles for your entire team

Get your whole department on Google+ in one go.

Google for Work originally shared:

Create Google+ profiles for your entire team

For the past few weeks, admins for organizations that use Google Apps for Work and Google Apps for Education have been able to create Google+ profiles for their users straight from the Admin console. Now, we’re making profile creation even easier by introducing automatic profile creation for each different department of an organization.

Learn more: #googleforwork

via Stuart R Cummings - Google+ Posts