Thursday, 22 May 2014

Another interesting article explaining how Microsoft is in a bit of a no-win situation particularly ...

Another interesting article explaining how Microsoft is in a bit of a no-win situation particularly with its mobile devices strategy.

Forbes Now: Microsoft: The Surface Is Shiny, But Things Remain A Mess Underneath.

Microsoft: The Surface Is Shiny, But Things Remain A Mess Underneath

Twenty years ago, when Microsoft was on the rise, it decided to spend the then princely sum of $100 million on an ad campaign to tell the world about itself. The image spots asked "Where do you want to go today?" While the actual commercials were sometimes a bit weird, [...]

via Stuart Cummings - Google+ Posts

Sorry to say this but the update to +Google+ on +Android is a bit of a mess. The navigation is now too...

Sorry to say this but the update to +Google+ on +Android is a bit of a mess. The navigation is now too disjointed. Why has the slide in menu been dropped just when we'd got used to it across many apps. It's still there when you go to photos leading to more inconsistency.

How do you search if you've changed your stream view to a specific circle? Answer: you can't, you have to first switch back to viewing everything. Dumb.

Let's hope this is just an interim step on the way to an improved navigation experience that doesn't leave you wondering where the heck you are and where the option you need has got to.

via Stuart Cummings - Google+ Posts

Wednesday, 21 May 2014

Why do +Tesco make cooking instructions so complicated? Just give me a table or list the frozen and ...

Why do +Tesco make cooking instructions so complicated? Just give me a table or list the frozen and chilled times separately. 

via Stuart Cummings - Google+ Posts

This is a good article that basically says: if you'd dismissed chromebooks before, take another look...

This is a good article that basically says: if you'd dismissed chromebooks before, take another look. You might be surprised.

Forbes Now: A Google Chromebook Should Be Your Next Laptop And Here's Why.

A Google Chromebook Should Be Your Next Laptop And Here's Why

When the Chromebook first launched I got one to review. I utterly despised it. It's actually quite hard to explain how much I took against it. My big problem with it was the cost, and the fact that it had to be online all the time. Happily, both of those [...]

via Stuart Cummings - Google+ Posts

Thursday, 15 May 2014

This is a dumb and dangerous ruling. Whatever happened to free speech and why hold the search engines...

This is a dumb and dangerous ruling. Whatever happened to free speech and why hold the search engines responsible for removing links to data rather than removing the data itself?

The Guardian: Google faces deluge of requests to wipe details from search index.

Google faces deluge of requests to wipe details from search index

Ex-politician seeking re-election and paedophile among those trying to exercise 'right to be forgotten' after landmark ruling

via Stuart Cummings - Google+ Posts

Tuesday, 13 May 2014

They do say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.

They do say the first step to recovery is admitting you have a problem.

TheStreet: If Microsoft Only Admitted How Bad It Stinks.

If Microsoft Only Admitted How Bad It Stinks

Microsoft needs to ditch the Surface tablet and focus on areas where it actually has a chance to compete effectively over the long-term.

via Stuart Cummings - Google+ Posts

Monday, 12 May 2014

Some improvements to Hangouts in Gmail

This just arrived in my account and it brings back some useful features like status bubbles instead of the green underline.

Gmail originally shared:

Some improvements to Hangouts in Gmail

Starting today you’ll see some changes in your conversation list in Hangouts, including message snippets and the return of green “availability” bubbles to make it easier to see which of your friends are currently active. With the new search icon, you can see a list of all your chat buddies and find other friends on Hangouts. And whether you’re happy, grumpy, or any of the other seven dwarfs (plus a few not in the storybook classic), you can set your mood using one of 80 emoji. Your friends will have no problem guessing how you’re feeling that day.

These features will be rolling out today. If you’re not using Hangouts in Gmail already, click on your profile picture above your chat contacts to “Try the new Hangouts.”


via Stuart Cummings - Google+ Posts

Thursday, 8 May 2014

Read how Bruntwood improved password control and self-service using CloudPages.

Read how Bruntwood improved password control and self-service using CloudPages.

News & Events - Bruntwood implements CloudPages Premium to improve user search and self-service capabilities

Although digital communication will help to improve employee productivity, the increased number of contacts and messages this brings about can quickly lead to information overload. Keeping track of all this data and ensuring it is up-to-date can quickly negate the benefits of improved ...

via Stuart Cummings - Google+ Posts